FRS (Family Radio Service) Kanalen 01 - 22

462.5625 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 1Max 2 Watt.
462.5875 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 2Max 2 Watt.
462.6125 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 3Max 2 Watt.
462.6375 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 4Max 2 Watt
462.6625 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 5Max 2 Watt.
462.6875 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 6Max 2 Watt.
462.7125 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 7Max 2 Watt.
467.5625 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 8Max 0,5 Watt.
467.5875 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 9Max 0,5 Watt.
467.6125 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 10Max 0,5 Watt.
467.6275 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 11Max 0,5 Watt.
467.6625 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 12Max 0,5 Watt.
467.6875 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 13Max 0,5 Watt.
467.7125 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 14Max 0,5 Watt.
462.5500 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 15Max 2 Watt.
462.5750 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 16Max 2 Watt
462.6000 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 17Max 2 Watt.
462.6250 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 18Max 2 Watt.
462.6500 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 19Max 2 Watt.
462.6750 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 20Max 2 Watt.
462.7000 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 21Max 2 Watt.
462.7250 Mhz.FRS Kanaal 22Max 2 Watt.

De Family Radio Service ( FRS ) is een verbeterd portofoonsysteem dat sinds 1996 in de Verenigde Staten is toegelaten. Deze persoonlijke radiodienst maakt gebruik van gekanaliseerde frequenties rond de 462 en 467 MHz in de ultrahoge frequentieband (UHF).

FRS-radio’s gebruiken smalbandige frequentiemodulatie (NBFM) met een maximale afwijking van 2,5 kilohertz. De kanalen zijn verdeeld met intervallen van 12,5 kilohertz. Na 18 mei 2017 zijn FRS-radio’s beperkt tot 2 watt op kanaal 1-7 en kanalen 15-22.

De FRS frequenties mogen in (Europees) Nederland niet gebruikt worden toch gebeurd dit met regelmaat.

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About Our Website.

Welcome !

This site is dedicated to Music, Crypto Coins And a Radio Transmitter simulator called HamSphere. At the Music site you're not only are able of listening to music from the good old times, but you're also invited to upload YOUR music to our database. The musicsite plays the songs from a database with more than 30.000 Music files where the music wich is played is picked from.

At the moment, we're completly occupied with playing with the Hamsphere Radio Amateur station (19 HS 803) and we're trying to motivate people to do also. In case you're interested in the medium "Amateur Radio" , feel invited, and take a look at the HamSphere Menu.

OHW ! LOOK! It's the ancient Pac-Man ! Click on the picture to play for free.

Populair Music Radio,

Music is our main thing.

Allthough we bring you a wide range of interests, music was,and is, our main thing. You can listen live to all the music we bring, or you can upload your own music,and it will be added to the database. .

Meditational Music. (Deep Zen)

When the day is coming to an end, and you're getting ready to go to sleep. At that moment, we will support you with TWO hours of the most relaxing, music, specially written for those meditational moments.

Our live stream.

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Check the Music menu for more info how.