
Our Best Programs.

Floating back in time with the best soul music ever made.

Do you remember those Friday And Saturday nights, visiting the local club with a bunch of your best friends, or when you made that one particular dance with that girl that took your breathe away ? THAT is precisly the feeling that we want to call back for you. The very best of best Soul music is presented to you in a daily show, starting at 19:00.

Allthough....At wednesdays, at Studio192 they surely do !

Starting at 00:00, they're writing the rules at this station. Everey girl "get's an hour" to bring there best music to you, we've already made a pre-selection for you, but anything can change at the Girly's Day, because YOU ARE MAKING THE RULES. So, hop in. And be entertained by only the best.
(Amy Winehouse, Adele, Whitney Houston, Candi Staton, Anouk, Leonie Meijer, Miss Montreal, Cilla Black, Alanis Morisette, Bjork, celine Dion, Kelly Clarckson, Janet Jackson, Timmi Yuroand so on, and so on....)

WARNING !! Incoming Music !

In this show, we're playing the latest arrivals, either received through our Dropbox, or wich we downloaded ourself. Anyway, this IS a good moment to listen to the latest arrivals at our station, before they are "sorted" into the correct program. BE THERE !

And (..) THIS is the place where you can find your music,in case you upload(ed) your music to our station via Dropbox.

Sponsored Message.



About Our Website.

Welcome !

This site is dedicated to Music, Crypto Coins And a Radio Transmitter simulator called HamSphere. At the Music site you're not only are able of listening to music from the good old times, but you're also invited to upload YOUR music to our database. The musicsite plays the songs from a database with more than 30.000 Music files where the music wich is played is picked from.

At the moment, we're completly occupied with playing with the Hamsphere Radio Amateur station (19 HS 803) and we're trying to motivate people to do also. In case you're interested in the medium "Amateur Radio" , feel invited, and take a look at the HamSphere Menu.

OHW ! LOOK! It's the ancient Pac-Man ! Click on the picture to play for free.

Populair Music Radio,

Music is our main thing.

Allthough we bring you a wide range of interests, music was,and is, our main thing. You can listen live to all the music we bring, or you can upload your own music,and it will be added to the database. .

Meditational Music. (Deep Zen)

When the day is coming to an end, and you're getting ready to go to sleep. At that moment, we will support you with TWO hours of the most relaxing, music, specially written for those meditational moments.

Our live stream.

Listening through our website, or by your mobile phone, or do you wish to follow the stream we're presenting ? Either way, we're servicing 24/7 at our website, and YOU decide in what way.

Check the Music menu for more info how.