
What do you want to know ?

All your questions are answered here.

We can imagine that you have some questions about our station, or the way it works. This section is called to life to answer those questions, allthough, IF we're able of answering your question, that is. Have a look at the options below, most likely,your question is answered here. If not,please feel free to contact us at any time.

That seperate music-stream, please explain yourself ?

Well, that's an easy one to start with. At a station like ours, we have to divide the info you receive in a Website, AND a seperate musicstream. You cab check out the website, without listening to the music, but you can also do it the other way arround. In case you ONLY want to listen to the music-stream at your mobile phone, tablet or any other device, you can type in the URL (Adres) of our stream at the webbrowser on that (mobile) device. Type in this URL (Adres) and you will hear the direct stream of our station: and there it is !

How to Donate or UPLOAD your music to our station.

The link to the DropBox can be found at the main-page (And also at the Quicky's at the right of the screen). If you click the link DropBox will open, and you willbe asked to upload the (a) file from YOUR Dropbox, or YOUR computer. After you choose "Your Computer", a selectionscreen will open, and you're able picking the desired file to upload. after that, the file you've choosen will be shown at your screen. All you have to do after that, is clicking "Upload", and your file will be send to our DropBox.

Did you find the chatbox allready ?

Because we DO have one ! Allthough is rather hard to find, is there. at the top of every page is a link to the chatbox. All we did, is creating a link, and made some arragements for the visitors of this website to chat in a seperate "channel" (Studio192). Just check it out, we're not very pleased with this chatbox, but we're still looking for a way to intergrate a chat-box at the website, so that we don't have to use an extern one. Anyway, it's there. Just click the link, pick your "ScreenName" , and off you go !

The Message Forum, activated for YOU !

What's a site without a forum ? Not the most fancy one (yet!) but more than enough to exchange thought with each other. In case you want to ask a question, or want some new about participating artist, this is the place to be. There's also a chit-chat section in case you don't have to tell anything :-) The message forum can be found by clicking at the link at the top of the page (each page). It will open a new browser screen, and the music is continuing to play.

ALL music at the Database available for you.

We've added ALL our music to a database wich you can examine yourself. The database is also served at he same server where STUDIO192 is running on. To acces the database, check to top of this site, one of the options is "Database", once you click it, you have to have a little patience, the databade is loaded, and shown to you at a new page. The music will still be playing on, but you can browse the database meanwile. In case our database is updated, or anything is changed at the music,or titles on or files, this database is updated also.

Sponsored Message.



About Our Website.

Welcome !

This site is dedicated to Music, Crypto Coins And a Radio Transmitter simulator called HamSphere. At the Music site you're not only are able of listening to music from the good old times, but you're also invited to upload YOUR music to our database. The musicsite plays the songs from a database with more than 30.000 Music files where the music wich is played is picked from.

At the moment, we're completly occupied with playing with the Hamsphere Radio Amateur station (19 HS 803) and we're trying to motivate people to do also. In case you're interested in the medium "Amateur Radio" , feel invited, and take a look at the HamSphere Menu.

OHW ! LOOK! It's the ancient Pac-Man ! Click on the picture to play for free.

Populair Music Radio,

Music is our main thing.

Allthough we bring you a wide range of interests, music was,and is, our main thing. You can listen live to all the music we bring, or you can upload your own music,and it will be added to the database. .

Meditational Music. (Deep Zen)

When the day is coming to an end, and you're getting ready to go to sleep. At that moment, we will support you with TWO hours of the most relaxing, music, specially written for those meditational moments.

Our live stream.

Listening through our website, or by your mobile phone, or do you wish to follow the stream we're presenting ? Either way, we're servicing 24/7 at our website, and YOU decide in what way.

Check the Music menu for more info how.